Friday, February 1, 2013


WU:  Run 400 m
Then 3 rounds
10 squats
15 knee high toe touches
20 over the fence
WOD: This is a "Football" WOD in celebration of Super Bowl Sunday.
Each team consists of 3 players.  Each team plays two 12 minute halves with a 5 minute half time.
Scoring is as follows:
* A touchdown is scored when a three man team completes 60 wall balls and 60 thrusters (45/35). Only two team members can be working at one time, and you cannot have the two team members working on the same exercise. If you score a touchdown, the team must complete 100 double-unders as a team for the extra point or 3 Rope Climb=9 Supine (1 for each athlete) for 2 points.
* A field goal is scored when the three man team completes 60 KB swings and 60 box jumps. Only two team members can be working at one time, and you cannot have the two team members working on the same exercise.

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